Architectural concept

Painted view plans, model (lost)

1979 - 1982
Johann Breiteneder, Vienna
Execution of plans: Dipl.-Ing. Peter Newald, Vienna

Plan for a multi-storeyed garage with greenery everywhere, while leaving intact the façade of part of an old building to preserve the the general layout of the street area within a zone under a preservation order.. Behind the façade an interior courtyard full of greenery at two levels was provided for in Hundertwasser's plan. The garage was not to be closed off with a façade, but to offer a view of green vegetation instead of architecture.

mehr weniger
  • Robert Schediwy, Hundertwassers Häuser, Vienna, 1999, p. 244
  • A. C. Fürst, Hundertwasser 1928-2000, Catalogue Raisonné, Cologne, 2002, Vol. II, p. 1209
  • Hundertwasser Architektur, Cologne, 2006, p. 311