Hundertwasser's comment on the work

You have to imagine two worlds, two globes, which get so close to each other that they almost touch. Then they are antipodal, i.e., the people standing on one side have their heads pointing towards the sky, and the others do, too. When the two earths converge, the heads and feet touch. The weeping I show here has a very poetic and philosophical meaning. It is the city dwellers who go to the countryside to weep because they are unhappy in the city. They mourn the lost paradise. (translates from the broschure: Kunstwerk, Die Hundertwasser Ausgabe der Brockhaus Enzyklopädie, n. p., 1989, p. 22)


Mixed media
Vienna, 1975
Painted at Malta, May 6, 1974 - on board the Regentag, near Crete, June 1 - off Paphos, July - Tel Aviv, July 23, 1974 - Vienna May 25, 1975
650 mm x 920 mm
Mixed media: watercolour, egg tempera, oil and tinfoil with Uhu glue on drawing paper, primed with chalk, zinc white and PVA; mounted on canvas with PVA and wallpaper glue
  • Galerie Ulysses, Vienna, 1975
  • *
  • World Travelling Museum Exhibition:
  • The Tel Aviv Museum, 1976
  • Muzeum Narodowe, Warsaw, 1976
  • National Gallery of Iceland, Reykjavik, 1976
  • Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen, 1976
  • Musée Dynamique, Dakar, 1976
  • Seibu Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, 1977
  • Hong Kong Museum of Art, 1977
  • South African National Gallery, Cape Town, 1977
  • Pretoria Art Museum, 1977
  • Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, 1977
  • Museu de Arte, São Paulo, 1977
  • Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, 1977
  • Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City, 1978
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts, Montreal, 1978
  • Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, 1978
  • Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, 1978
  • Mücsarnok, Budapest, 1978
  • *
  • Travelling exhibition 1979-1981:
  • Aberbach Fine Art, New York, 1979
  • Tokyo Gallery, Tokyo, 1980
  • Galerie Brockstedt, Hamburg, 1980
  • Hammerlunds Kunsthandel, Oslo, 1980
  • Galerie Würthle, Vienna, 1981
  • Junior Galerie, Vienna, 1975
  • Art Fair, Basel, 1979
  • FIAC, Paris, 1980
  • H. Brockstedt (ed.), Ao Tea Roa, Hamburg, 1979 (c)
  • H. Rand, Hundertwasser - Der Maler, Munich, 1986, cover (c), pl. 92 (c), p. 167
  • H. Rand, Hundertwasser, Cologne, 1991, pp. 154/155 (c) and ed. 1993, pp. 132/133 (c)
  • Contemporary Great Masters: Hundertwasser, Tokyo, 1993, pl. 39 (c), p. 112
  • Hundertwasser - Das Paradies liegt um die Ecke, Munich, 2002, p. 19 (c)
  • A. C. Fürst, Hundertwasser 1928-2000, Catalogue Raisonné, Cologne, 2002, Vol. II, pp. 572/573 (and c)
  • F. Hundertwasser / P. Restany, Hundertwasser, New York, 2008, pp. 220/221 (c)
  • The Tel Aviv Museum, 1976, p. 241 (c)
  • National Gallery of Iceland, Reykjavik, 1976, p. 211 (c)
  • Supplementary edition Reykjavik, 1976, p. 38
  • Supplementary edition no. 2, Copenhagen, 1976, p. 24
  • Seibu Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, 1977, p. 241 (c)
  • South African National Gallery, Cape Town / Pretoria Art Museum, 1977, p. 241 (c)
  • Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro / Museu de Arte, São Paulo / Palácio Itamaraty, Brasilia, 1977, p. 241 (c)
  • Museo de Bellas Artes, Caracas, 1977, p. 241 (c)
  • Supplementary edition Caracas, 1977, cat. Tecnica mixta 15
  • Museo de Arte Moderno, Mexico City, 1978, p. 241 (c)
  • Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, 1978, p. 241 (c)
  • Museo Español de Arte Contemporáneo, Madrid, 1979, cat. 152, p. 29 (b)
  • Palazzo Barberini, Rome, 1980, p. 241 (c)
  • Sonja Henies og Niels Onstads Stiftelser Kunstsentret, Høvikodden, 1980, p. 241 (c)
  • Museum Ludwig, Cologne, 1980, p. 297 (c)
  • Secession, Vienna, 1981, p. 297 (c)
  • Kulturhaus, Graz, 1981, p. 297 (c)
  • Neue Berliner Galerie, East Berlin, 1981 (c)
  • Helsingin kaupungin taidemuseo, Helsinki, 1981, p. 241 (c)
  • Barbican Art Gallery, London, 1983, p. 241 (c)
  • Travelling exhibition 1979-1981: Hundertwasser Is Painting (c)
  • Broschure: Kunstwerk, Die Hundertwasser Ausgabe der Brockhaus Enzyklopädie, n.p., 1989, p. 22 (c)
  • Harenberg Kompaktlexikon in 5 Bänden, Dortmund, 1994, no. 4, p. 2259 (c)
  • Bahn frei, Terminale, Paris, 1996, p. 105 (c)
  • Hundertwasser Bibel, Augsburg, 1995, AT, p. 757 (adaptation, c)
  • Kunst des 20. Jahrhunderts, Cologne, 1998 and ed. 2000, p. 247 (c)
  • J. Becherer, Einblicke Mathematik 8, Stuttgart, 2001, p. 149 (c)
  • Labyrinthes, Paris, 2002, pp. 102/103 (detail, mirrored, c)
  • H. Griesel, H. Postel, F. Suhr, Elemente der Mathematik 10, Braunschweig, 2004, p. 274 (c)
  • V. Charles, J. Manca, M. McShane, D. Wigal, 1000 Meisterwerke der Malerei, London, 2006, p. 500 (c)
  • H. Griesel, H. Postel, F. Suhr (ed.), Elemente der Mathematik 10, Braunschweig, 2007, p. 200 (c)
  • N. Büttner, Gemalte Gärten, Munich, 2008, p. 221 (c)
  • Green - Color of Nature and Harmony, Postcard book, Palo Alto, 2008 (c, mirrored)
  • H. Griesel, H. Postel, F. Suhr (ed.), Elemente der Mathematik 10, Braunschweig, 2008, p. 54 (c)
  • H. Griesel, H. Postel, F. Suhr (ed.), Elemente der Mathematik 6, Braunschweig, 2009, p. 88 (c)
  • H. Griesel, H. Postel, F. Suhr (ed.), Elemente der Mathematik 9, Braunschweig, 2011, p. 252 (c) and digital version
  • P. Straub, Hors-d'œuvre d'art, Schiltigheim, 2012, p. 126 (c)
  • H. Griesel, H. Postel, F. Suhr (ed.), Elemente der Mathematik 10, Braunschweig, 2012, p. 86 (c) and digital version
  • P. Straub, Hors-d'oeuvre d'arts répertoire 3 à 8 ans, Schiltigheim, 2013, pl. 37 (c)
  • Brochure for World Food Day, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 2013, cover (c)
  • H. Griesel, H. Postel, F. Suhr (ed.), Elemente der Mathematik 10, Braunschweig, 2014, p. 88 (c) and digital version
  • T. A. Lovik, J. D. Guy, M. Chavez, Vorsprung, Third Edition, Boston, 2014, Cover (c, sv)
  • J. Long, The New Munsell Student Color Set (Forth edition), New York / London, 2015, p. 32 (c)
  • H. Griesel, H. Postel, F. Suhr (ed.), Elemente der Mathematik 10, Braunschweig, 2016, p. 265 (c) and digital version
  • Besi Annual Report 2016, RW Duiven, 2017, p. 11 (c)
  • C. Alix, L. Placin, Mes tableaux à histoires, Saint Pierre des Corps, 2019, pp. 6 (c), 9 (c)
  • Mizue, no. 863, Feb. 1977, Tokyo, p. 64 (c)
  • Club 1, June 1981, Vienna, p. 31 (c)
  • Smithsonian, vol. 16, no. 10, Jan. 1986, Washington DC, p. 77 (c)
  • Der Kunsthandel, Zeitschrift für Bild und Rahmen, no. 11, Heidelberg, 1988, p. 42 (c)
  • Das Orchester, no. 11, Mainz, 2000, p. 19 (b)
  • Behold: Arts for the Church Year, Pentecost 1, 2009, Inver Grove Heights, pp. 24/25 (c)
  • Harvard Divinity Bulletin, vol. 38, winter/spring 2010, Cambridge, p. 56 (detail, c)
  • Beaux Arts Éditions, special issue for Carrières de Lumières, 2014, Paris, p. 29 (and c)
  • Art Calendar, 1976, Cicero GmbH, Stuttgart (October, 35,3 x 50 cm)
  • Postcard, Gruener Janura AG, Glarus, 1976 (repr.)
  • Art Agenda 1979, Cicero GmbH, Stuttgart
  • Invitation Card, Aberbach Fine Art, New York, 1979 (detail)
  • Exhibition poster, Aberbach Fine Art, New York, 1979 (detail)
  • Art Agenda, Hundertwasser 1980, Cicero GmbH, Stuttgart
  • Art Calendar, Hundertwasser 1980, Cicero GmbH, (July, small)
  • Exhibition poster, Tokyo Gallery, Tokyo, 1980 (detail)
  • Invitation Card, Tokyo Gallery, Tokyo, 1980 (detail
  • Exhibition poster, Gallery Brockstedt, Hamburg, 1980 (detail)
  • Invitation Card, Gallery Brockstedt, Hamburg, 1980 (detail)
  • Art Calendar, Hundertwasser 1981, Verlag Galerie Welz, Salzburg (August)
  • Hundertwasser Calendar, B. Wörner, Gerlingen, 1986 (February)
  • Postcard, Joram Harel Management, Vienna, 1986 (repr.)
  • Hundertwasser Calendar 1989 (April)
  • Calendar Gallery 1992, Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
  • Calendar Gallery 1992, Dai Nippon Printing, Japan (May)
  • Hundertwasser Agenda, B. Wörner, Rutesheim 1993
  • Hundertwasser Adressbuch, B. Wörner, Rutesheim, 1993
  • Hundertwasser Pocket Art and Pocket Art 94, B. Wörner, Rutesheim, 1993
  • Granolitho/Colotype print, Ars Collect, Lucerne, 1995 (600 x 800/480 x 675 mm)
  • CD Cover: Valery Afanassiev, Brahms Piano Works, Nippon Columbia, Tokyo, 1999
  • Program card: Providentia Generalagentur, St. Gallen, 2000 (detail, c)
  • Hundertwasser 2004 Calendar, Taschen, Cologne
  • Hundertwasser Art Calendar 2004, Borer & Wörner, Zug
  • Greeting card, Unicef, Switzerland, 2006 (c)
  • Hundertwasser Jahrbuch 2007, Borer & Wörner, Zug
  • Hundertwasser Agenda, Wörner, Rutesheim, 2008
  • Hundertwasser Diary 2009, Wörner, Rutesheim
  • Hundertwasser Diary 2010, Wörner, Rutesheim
  • Calendar, Hundertwasser 2011, change communications (for Mastercard), Warsaw
  • Hundertwasser Address book, Wörner, Rutesheim, 2011
  • Hundertwasser Notebook, Wörner, Rutesheim, 2011
  • Hundertwasser Diary 2012, Wörner, Rutesheim
  • Calendar, Hundertwasser Art 2013, Wörner, Rutesheim
  • Poster for World Food Day, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 2013
  • Hundertwasser Vertical Wall Calendar Art 2017, Wörner Verlag, Rutesheim (cover, detail)
  • CD backcover and booklet, The Dream of the Earth by Sunny Kim & Ben Monder, Advart, Seoul, 2016
  • Invitation card, L'atelier des lumières, Paris, 2018 (detail)
  • Calendar, Hundertwasser Art 2019, Wörner Verlag, Rutesheim (square size)
  • Calendar, Hundertwasser Art 2020, Wörner Verlag, Rutesheim (cover, detail)