Mixed media
Venice, 1981
Painted on the island of Porquerolles, August 1980 - Venice, Giardino Eden, January 1981
470 mm x 630 mm
Mixed media: watercolour, acrylic, egg tempera, oil, lacquer, tinfoil, gold, silver and copper leaf on aluminium cardboard, mounted on wooden frame; PV white ground, uneven surface with sawdust glue heaps, 3 wood pieces glued on to the frame
  • World Travelling Museum Exhibition:
  • Neue Berliner Galerie, East Berlin, 1981
  • Helsingin kaupungin taidemuseo, Helsinki, 1981
  • Sala Dalles, Bucharest, 1981/82
  • Schipka Gallery, Sofia, 1982
  • Barbican Art Gallery, London, 1983
  • City Art Gallery, York, 1983
  • Dum Umení, Brno, 1986
  • Národní Galerie, Prague, 1986/87
  • Galerie Umenì, Karlovy Vary, 1987
  • Slovenska Narodna Galeria, Bratislava, 1987
  • Rupertinum, Salzburg, 1987
  • *
  • Schloßhofgalerie, Lindau, 1984
  • Stichting Veranneman, Kruishoutem, 1987
  • *
  • Travelling exhibition 1989:
  • Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum, 1989
  • Iwaki City Art Museum, 1989
  • Ohara Museum of Art, 1989
  • Postcardbook: Lost and Stolen Pictures, Cologne, 1995 (c), cover (c)
  • Hundertwasser - Das Paradies liegt um die Ecke, Munich, 2002, flyleaves (adaptation)
  • Hundertwasser - Was braucht der Mensch um glücklich zu sein?, Munich, 2002, flyleaves (adaptation)
  • A. C. Fürst, Hundertwasser 1928-2000, Catalogue Raisonné, Cologne, 2002, Vol. II, p. 628 (c)
  • Neue Berliner Galerie, East Berlin, 1981, p. 31
  • Travelling exhibition 1989: Japan, cat. 40 (c)
  • Hundertwasser Bibel, Augsburg, 1995, AT, p. 1109 (c)
  • Artes Prospekt, Ein Meilenstein der Kunstgeschichte, 5/84 (c)
  • Mainichi Daily News, July 6, 1989 (b)
  • Hundertwasser Art Agenda 1987, Caesar Art International, Stuttgart
  • Hundertwasser Art Agenda 1988, Caesar Art International, Stuttgart
  • Hundertwasser Art Agenda 1989, caesar Art International, Stuttgart
  • Hundertwasser Art Memo, caesar Art International, Stuttgart
  • Hundertwasser Art Calendar 1989, B. Wörner, Rutesheim (24 x 22 cm, January)
  • Hundertwasser 2004 Calendar, Taschen, Cologne (and reprints)
  • Bookmark, B. Wörner, Rutesheim, 2007 (detail)
  • Hundertwasser Premium Birthday Calendar, Wörner, Rutesheim, 2011
  • Hundertwasser Premium Art Calendar 2012, Wörner, Rutesheim
  • Hundertwasser 2012 Calendar, Taschen, Cologne (and reprints)
  • Hundertwasser Art Calendar 2016 (small size), Wörner Verlag, Rutesheim
  • Calendar, Hundertwasser Art 2017, Wörner Verlag, Rutesheim (square size)
  • Hundertwasser Vertical Wall Calendar Art 2018, Wörner Verlag, Rutesheim
  • Hundertwasser span-a-year Art Calendar 2018, Wörner Verlag, Rutesheim
  • Bookmark, Wörner Verlag, Rutesheim, 2018