Architectural concept

Concept for a school and community centre,
next to the Children's Day-Care Centre Heddernheim Frankfurt - ARCH 89.
Manifestos, open letters, Controversy with the Bishop of Limburg, Franz Kamphaus
Model 1:50: executed by Alfred Schmid, 1987

City of Frankfurt
Architect Peter Pelikan and Harald Trautner

In June 1987, Hundertwasser, guided by the parameters of an existent space and function programme, worked out an architectural plan for an integrative school in which a Protestant and a Catholic community centre and a residential building would be included. This plan was worked out in detail by the architects Peter Pelikan und Harald Trautner.The presentation of the model provoked a controversy with the diocese of Limburg. Supported by the critique of diocese's director of building, Bishop Franz Kamphaus stated that the philosophical approach of the artist as manifested in the building could not be agreed to. If the artist thought "that it is high time for man to go back underneath nature", this contradicted the Christian image of man as the crown of creation. In October 1987, final refusal to participate in the Hundertwasser project was uttered; a letter by Hundertwasser to Bishop Franz Kamphaus in an effort to reach an understanding was unsuccessful. A letter of reference from the vicar of Bärnbach, Monsignore Friedrich Zeck, was also to no avail.Despite the rejection by the Limburg diocese, the regional Protestant organisation wanted to relaise the project. It was only after the City of Frankfurt stated that for budgetary reasons it was unable to share in the funding of the project, especially as it was not a municipal, but a private school, the Protestant regional organisation found itself unable to guarantee its funding. The further pursuit of the project had to be given up.(from: Hundertwasser Architecture, Cologne, 1997, p. 218)

mehr weniger
  • Architektur der Hoffnung, Vienna, n. d. (c)
  • Hundertwasser Architektur, Cologne, 1996, pp. 218-221 (c), 316 (c) and ed. 2006, pp. 234 (c), 312
  • R. Schediwy, Hundertwassers Häuser, Vienna, 1999, p. 245
  • W. Schmied, Hundertwasser 1928-2000, Catalogue Raisonné, Cologne, 2000, Vol. I, pp. 338-341 (and c)
  • A. C. Fürst, Hundertwasser 1928-2000, Catalogue Raisonné, Cologne, 2002, Vol. II, pp. 1231-1233 (and c)